Swing presses|ГК ТАЭЛЬ|Прессы гидравлические для макулатуры, ПЭТ, ТБО

Swing presses

A swing press is the best option for the items for recycling and other organizations that process large quantities of solid waste. For convenience the press offers not only the front door but also the back wall of the camera allowing you to upload the finished bale both forward and backward
Press model Pressing Force, t Bale Dimensions (HхWхL), mm Bale weight, kg Material for Pressing
Wastepaper Textile Polyethylene Foam Rubber Fine Leaved Non-ferrous Metals Waste
TAEL 6120B 12 950×1050×750 100 ÷ 220 Allowed Allowed Allowed Not allowed Not allowed
TAEL 6121B 12 950×1050×750 100 ÷ 220 Allowed Allowed Allowed Allowed Not allowed
TAEL 6150B 15 950×1050×750 120 ÷ 280 Allowed Allowed Allowed Allowed Not allowed
TAEL 6151B 15 950×1050×750 120 ÷ 280 Allowed Allowed Allowed Allowed Not allowed
TAEL 6200B 20 950×1050×750 130 ÷ 300 Allowed Allowed Allowed Allowed Allowed
TAEL 8240B 24 900x1050x750 150 ÷ 350 Allowed Allowed Allowed Allowed Allowed
TAEL 8240BSS 24 900x1050x750 150 ÷ 350 Allowed Allowed Allowed Allowed Allowed
TAEL 8300B 30 900x1050x750 200 ÷ 450 Allowed Allowed Allowed Allowed Allowed
TAEL 8300BSS 30 900x1050x750 200 ÷ 450 Allowed Allowed Allowed Allowed Allowed