HBP-1120|ГК ТАЭЛЬ|Прессы гидравлические для макулатуры, ПЭТ, ТБО


This model is designed for baling waste paper, waste from textile and clothing industry.
Productivity per shift (8 working hours): 0,4-1,0 t.
The press is set on a flat surface without any prior preparation.
Standard version price 139 746 RUB
Version with automatic pressing cycle price 190 176 RUB

Pressing Force t 12
Power Point Characteristics 380V 3,0 kW
Dimensions (H×W×L) mm 2100x1050x550
Loading Box (HхW) mm 400х800
Machine Weight kg 300
Bale Dimensions (H×W×L) mm 600х800х400
Bale Weight before (depends on the material) kg 50-120
Pressing Cycle sek 35
Removing the Bale Mechanized
Tying the Bale Manually
Binding Thread Quantity pcs 3