Today the work with the secondary raw materials has become an independent branch capable of solving complex organizational tasks using the most modern technologies. Waste Management recycling translates them from the category of problems in the item of income. The use of press equipment solves many problems that are associated with the disposal of waste at all stages.
Group of companies TAEL produces junk presses, baling force from 4 to 45 tons, from the brand HBP (hydraulic baling press). Models: HBP-4, HBP-4 Mini, HBP‑5, HBP‑6, HBP‑7, HBP‑8, HBP‑9, HBP-10, HBP‑11, HBP‑12, HBP‑12M, HBP‑12МU, HBP‑14, HBP‑15, HBP‑15М, HBP‑15МU, HBP‑16, HBP‑17, HBP‑24, HBP‑24М, HBP‑24МU, HBP-30, HBP-30М, HBP-30МU, HBP-45 and their modifications. Presses are designed for baling waste paper, waste textile and clothing manufacture, thin-sheet products from ferrous metals and plastic (aluminum cans, PET bottles) and other MSW..
All products produced by the Tael company are certified according to the ISO system ( to the ISO and EAC)
Do you want to reduce the cost of garbage disposal up to 10 times in your company?.
Do you want to reduce the area of the "temporary" garbage storage up to 20 times and use storage more efficiently?
Do you want to eliminate complaints from fire and environmental inspections?
Or have you decided to build up your business of collection and / or processing of municipal solid waste?
We are sure to help you in solving these questions!
The use of baling presses is the most rational way to reduce municipal solid waste (MSW) in enterprises. In addition, compressed into bales waste (paper, cardboard, plastic, PET bottles, aluminum cans, rags, etc.) are being purchased as recycled at more favorable rates.
Trash turns into money!
For the wide model range, you can choose the most suitable one for you to press MSW. Moreover, the equipment can be manufactured to your individual requirements.
Please, note that this website is provided for informational purposes only and under no circumstances is not a public offer which is defined in part. 2, Art. 437 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation. For more information about the cost and timing of manufacture, please, refer to the employees of the company TD "Tael ".